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About Me

Explore My Unique Offerings

At GM Arts & Maps, I pride myself on offering a diverse range of artistic services that cater to the creative needs of tabletop gamers, fantasy authors, and 3rd party game publishers. My portfolio includes intricately designed fantasy maps, character sketches, monster illustrations, and game-related comic strips. Each piece is meticulously crafted, combining my 40 years of tabletop gaming experience with my artistic skills to produce work that is both visually stunning and deeply immersive. My fantasy maps are designed to inspire adventure, offering hidden secrets and treasures guarded by fearsome creatures, all while adding a unique flavor to your gaming sessions.
I also offer custom illustrations for characters and monsters, bringing your most imaginative concepts to life with attention to detail and creativity. Additionally, my game-related comic strips add a humorous and engaging touch to any gaming narrative. Each piece of art is handcrafted, ensuring that it is one-of-a-kind and tailored to your specific needs. I invite you to contact me to learn more about how my unique art can bring your gaming worlds to life. Whether you need a custom map for your next campaign or a whimsical illustration for your story, GM Arts & Maps is here to help. Contact me today to discuss your project and see how we can collaborate to create something truly special.

Let's Connect!

Hey there! Have questions about our personalized gaming merchandise or want to learn more? I'm here to help! Whether you're curious about our custom mug and t-shirt designs or interested in our services, feel free to reach out to me.